Agia Paraskevi
of Arachamitai

22.12.2016 by E.T.
© Arachamitai project
Paraskevi of Arachamitai is a site located at the highest point of the pass
leading from Asea to Arachamitai in Arcadia – more specifically, roughly between Tripolis and Megalopolis. Preliminary archaeological work, including
magnetometer prospecting and opening of trial trenches, was conducted by the
Finnish Institute at Athens at the site between 2006 and 2008 under the
directorship of Björn Forsén. The aim of this work was to clarify the date and
function of the site. The preliminary results indicate the existence of a small
sanctuary dating to between the mid-sixth and late first century BC. In the
mid-Roman period a large courtyard structure of unclear function was built on
top of the original sanctuary.
A new five-year excavation program was launched in 2010, focusing on the
sanctuary itself and a rectangular building of late Hellenistic date belonging
to it. This new program aims at learning more about the use of the rectangular
building and its architecture as well as to clarify if there existed any earlier
buildings in the sanctuary. We also want to find out to which god(s) the
sanctuary was dedicated, if the visitors of the sanctuary also included
non-locals and which relationship the sanctuary had to
neighbouring settlements and other sanctuaries in Arcadia.
After two years of systematic excavations we have
now been able to identify our sanctuary with the one of Artemis Lykoatis
mentioned by Pausanias (Paus. 8.36.5-8) on his way from Megalopolis to the
mountain of Mainalos.